Monday, October 19, 2020

What about those old devices?

In a traveling castle, nothing comes along without purpose.  But... what about those once costly  electronic devices?  Updated your phone, tablet or laptop? -- step away from that trashcan!  We discard too many electronic components in landfills to the detriment of the planet and our water.  So...what can you do?  First, consider recycling your device by giving it to a grandchild or taking it to a recycler like Best Buy, Staples or Home Depot.  Just remember to remove all personal information.

Clearing your old phone

Wiping personal data off your devices

Another option is to repurpose the device for another use.  Want to check on your dog while you're gone?  Set up a security camera with your old phone camera or tablet and access it with your new phone. You can use an old tablet or phone to stream your media. They can also become an e-reader.  No more dragging along pounds of books.   Check out how to set up your devices for these
possibilities and more below.

What to do with old gadgets

9 brilliant things to do with that old cellphone you have lying around

10 useful ways to repurpose your old cellphone