Thursday, April 30, 2020

Arts and Crafts for the Pandemic

Create a Paint by Number of Your Favorite Photo

The Internet has everything...doesn't it.  Remember those fun color by number pictures you did as a child?  Now, you can take that favorite photo and create and paint your own picture.  There are a number of utilities on the web that will take a picture and create an outline drawing and a paint by number with your color palette.  You, then, can download and print your project. There is no fiddling with a software on your computer.  

My favorite Paint by Number converter are
PBNify ... You select the spot colors you want for your pallette.

Color Dragon ...  Colors are automatically selected. (Think this one is good for kids.)

Here is a picture tutorial for PBNify ...

This video is on how to use PBNify but the basic premise is the same for the Color-Dragon.

Hope this give you another fun project.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Now that you have all the books you could ever want...maybe... you need to organize them.  This article covers seven ways to organize your e-books.   Organize them by genre , author, or any other category that makes sense to you.  

This article also contains illustrated directions for creating groups in Kindle and shelves in Nook.  There are some other organizational sites listed there as well.  Book Cave is another source of free books to add to your list.

Book Cave - Revamping Your Library

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Book Rescue

In the midst of the Corona Virus pandemic most libraries and bookstores are closed. 
If you are like me, you have been reading much more and the material is running a little short. 
This article will be dedicated to helping you find more options for reading and enjoying the
enforced quiet time.  

Physical Books -- Unfortunately with shut downs and social distancing, it will be more difficult
to get new books unless you want to order them from Amazon which may strain your budget. 
Here’s an idea, email or message your friends and set up a book exchange. Use your porch
or other open place to exchange books. Follow CDC guidelines to ensure you don’t bring germs i
nto your house. CDC Website and cleaning protocols.

Even Better Idea…

Digital Books -- There are many books available digitally.  Amazon has a gigantic selection of
books of all kinds to download.  They also have many books that can be downloaded for free.
Below, I will list a group of sites that have free book newsletters.  To take advantage of these,
you will need a computer, tablet or cell phone. The tablet is the easiest to use as it holds just
ike a book.  You will need an app such as the Kindle app in order to read the book. If you have
an Apple device, Kindle is the best app to download and is also available for the other formats. 
For an Android, you need the Google Play app on your device.Finding a free book involves
searching Amazon and Google Play with the key word FREE.  You will have to set up your account
and specify the device the book download will go to.
Once you have your reading device set up you are ready to download a book.  

Free Book Newsletters
There are many email newsletters that will send you daily or weekly notification of books
that are free or inexpensive.  Many of these are written by new authors anxious to get their
books out there, established authors promoting a series, or self publishers.  Many of these
newsletters will allow you to select the genres you prefer. If you sign up for the newsletters
and they aren’t for you, you can always unsubscribe.  

Book Bub -- One of the longest running book newsletter with free and inexpensive books to download.

Book Cave --Book Cave Direct is a free service you can sign up for that will send weekly notices to your email inbox about free ebooks offered directly from Authors and Publishers.  NEW 6-2020

EBook Daily --You can select multiple genres to download.

Kindle Buffet -- Free and inexpensive books.  Do check the price if you decide to download as not all books are free.

EReader IQ --  You set up your preferences from many different genres.  They often have non-fiction and
how-to books.

The Fussy Librarian -- The Fussy Librarian is the first website to match readers not only with the genre of books they like but also their preferences about content.  NEW 6-2020

FreeBooksy --Lots of different available here.

Centsless Books -- Another very good list.  

Public Domain Books
Project Gutenberg --Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free EPUB and Kindle
eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. 

Hathi Trust preserves and provides lawful access to the 17 million digitized items. It is similar to Project Gutenberg with more emphasis on the academic and scholarly books.

LIbrivox has a collection of public domain audio books.  Worth the look.

Google Books has a nice selection of public domain e-books mostly in the classical literature genre.

Internet Archive The Internet Archive is an amazing resource for public domain books, with sub-collections such as American Libraries, Children's Library, and the Biodiversity Heritage Library. This is a wonderful collection.  

International Children’s Digital Library Browse through a wide selection of high-quality free books for children at International Children's Digital Library (ICDL). 

Scholastic Learn at Home  This seems to only be open for the recent coronavirus scare for parents and
children to work together.  The video books are excellent for beginning readers.  

Your Public Library

Your public library may be closed but you can still check out digital books.
Each library has a different protocol for its digital material but you can find books,
audiobooks, videos and music to borrow.  Be sure you have your library card handy
and the pin that you were given and check it out.  

Find your libraries website and see what they have and enjoy e-books.