Monday, October 19, 2015

11 Reasons to Stop Looking at Your Smartphone

Many of us travel with smartphones and they are handy ...but what are the problems of constant use of cell phones like many young people do?  According to PC Magazine, there are some real hazards to the over-use of cell phone.

"With great power comes great responsibility, however, and scientists are starting to learn that spending so much time staring at our phones is actually doing some damage to our physical, social and intellectual lives. In this feature, we'll run down the main reasons you might want to give your phone a break for a bit. Is this enough to convince you, or do you think it's all overblown?"  What's New Now <>

Read the article here.  Then you may want to pass it on to your kids and grandkids.

I'd also like to add a No, 12 for good measure...
Put the cell phone down and enjoy the scenery!